Friday, July 15, 2011

Am I crazy or psychic?

Okay so I don't know if I have lost my mind or what but here it goes. Ever since I was 12 I had dreams that would sometimes come true to the point my dad would ask if I had any of him getting in accidents or something bad happening. Then I got worse 1 year ago when I was stressed out I was having dreams then It happened the same exact way. Now when ever me and my boyfriend talk about something it happens minutes to hours away from what was said. For example a early december I was asking him what would he do if a bunch of dead black birds was in front of the house then new years on the news dead black birds were showing up. Another example is we were going to watch the postman and I was telling him for some reason my mom the Kevin Costner was hot along with van dam then he said universal soldier then we noticed universal soldier pops up in a scene and I have never seen the movie. Then the other night I wanted now and later the candy and i rarely want any and we started watching the movie let me in then the kid was eating them. Its happening all the time I will say something and it happens. Like I came in here started singing this stupid song on a commercial for some reason then 2 seconds later here it is on TV. Its like I'm subconsciously psychic or just crazy. I mean its everyday this happens now. You tell me if this happens to you also or is there something under lying here

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