Saturday, July 16, 2011

Racial Equality vs Racism?

I am curious. Why is it that if white(s) try to have a community they are considered racist? Yet every other race can have one. Asians have Little China and Little Tokyo in each state. Hispanics have there communities. Blacks well they have alot of communities (typically called ghettos or projects). Yet if a white person moves in an all black neighborhood they are harassed just as much if not more and looked upon as weird if a black couple moves into an all white neighborhood. White people like to live next to people with their similarities such as goals, ideologies, customs, and yes skin color too. So aside from the morons of the KKK and NEO NAZIS, I am talking about "Gated Neighborhoods" why is it that whites are immediately named racist??? There are even rumors of blacks grouping together to purchase a house in certain areas in order to drive down neighboring values of homes.

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